Awsome LLC

Awsome LLC

EC2 Elastic Block Store (EBS) Volumes

IT workers must become familiar with managing Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes and snapshots to properly handle the data storage problem in the cloud utilizing AWS. Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon’s wildly popular Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) service,…

Mobile cloud computing and cybersecurity

The revolution of handheld, wireless, and mobile communication gadgets meant for “information at users’ fingertips anywhere, anytime” has significantly transformed our lives. A huge portion of the world’s population can now have seamless access to mobile devices (phones, tablets, and…

Cloud Security Issues

Recent studies have shown that 76 percent of businesses globally are currently adopting at least a pair of cloud service providers. In fact, 35 percent of enterprises have moved over 50 percent of their IT infrastructures to the cloud, with…

Cloud Security Automation

Faced with an incursion of security threats, data pundits and information security experts must take on a new norm of operation. The pandemic-triggered digital revolution has resulted in an increased number of remote workers, cloud users, cloud service providers, substantive…

Azure Network Watcher

In an on-premises network, it is possible that configuration errors can lead to issues that are challenging to locate and resolve. Similarly, connectivity problems may arise when we design a sophisticated and adaptable Azure arrangement connecting numerous virtual machines (VMs).…