Awsomellc’s MyPortal

Awsomellc’s MyPortal

  • Odoo Version: Odoo 16 Community Edition
  • Odoo Modules:
    1) AzureAD Integration – For single signon and Employee details sync
    2) HRMS – Employee management and employee attendance, Weekly attendance reminder
    3) Timesheet – Timesheet approval work flow.
    4) Expense
    5) Survey – For getting internal survey and Taking exams
    6) Recruitment
    7) Project management
      • Project / Timesheet, Employee will receive a notification email whenever a project or task is getting assigned
      • When an employee files timesheet for the day,
        • If the delegation is not required for project, Timesheet approval team gets direct notification email for validation
        • If the delegation is required for project, Notification email will shared to delegation team and once they successfully delegate timesheet approval team will get notification email for final approval
      • Project Group: The Project Group Configuration. This feature allows us to define the project manager, members of the project, timesheet approval, and delegation team member. When a new employee onboards the system, basic required access will be provided and assigned to the internal project group. No manual affort required to provide access to new user/employee

Transform Your Business with AWSOME LLC: Harnessing Odoo for Project Management, HRMS, Timesheet, and Surveys - Drive Efficiency Today!