Solar in California: What Needs To Happen To Really Make A Difference

  • Where California Solar Needs to Go and How It Can Get There
  • A Long-Term Strategy For Solar In California

Solar in California is a great choice for homeowners who want to simultaneously cut their electricity bills and protect the environment. The Golden State has some of the best solar resources in the country and offers many incentives for homeowners who install solar panels on their houses.

California’s solar power output rivals that of Texas’s wind power under full sun. It frequently passes laws encouraging the transition to renewable energy and electrification before any other state in the union, commonly copied elsewhere. California has been a leader in several sustainable energy technologies.

The Current State of Solar in California

Within a decade, the US solar sector grew significantly, going from 2.5 gigawatts of capacity in 2010 to over 81 gigawatts by the middle of 2020. This has been made feasible largely because of the federal tax credit for solar power installations, which will be 26% as of 2020. However, not all states have adopted solar energy equally, and over 30% of the US’s solar electricity is currently produced in California. Over 50% of the nation’s installed capacity was in California before other states prioritized solar energy.

13 solar thermal power plants were slated for California before the Renewable Portfolio Standards were established in 2002, with 11 submitting applications to the Energy Commission. There were nine projects (Solar Energy Generating Station – SEGS I to IX), with a combined capacity of 354 MW. FPL Energy is the owner of SEGS III through IX, whereas Sunray Energy Inc. is the owner of SEGS I and II. There are now 4,500 MW solar thermal projects under license assessment or construction plans.

California’s Solar Policy and Incentive Programs

The California solar sector has benefited from the state’s affluent sunshine and pricey power. But the state has also passed legislation supporting solar energy, and various financing choices are available.

In the US, California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard is one of the most aggressive, with a 2045 target of 100% carbon-free electricity. Electric companies are required by law to comply with the RPS, and those who don’t will be subject to stiff penalties. A strong RPS supports policies that promote clean energy, such as solar power, through laws and incentive schemes. Additionally, California has a great net metering regulation that allows you to receive credit for any extra electricity generated by your solar panels.

Expected Future of Solar in California

Surprisingly, the ubiquity of solar panel installations in California is not primarily due to the state’s abundant sunshine. The California Solar Initiative (CSI) and the state’s ambitious clean energy targets are just two examples of the state government’s progressive policies that have contributed significantly to California’s success in the solar industry.

In the Golden State, a recent code that mandates that new homes have a solar electric system is paving the way for a brighter future for solar energy.

How can Cloud Computing be Used for Solar in California?

In a poll titled “Cloud Vision 2020: The Future of the Cloud Study,” LogicMonitor spoke with 300 influencers about the state of the cloud by the year 2020. According to the survey, the solar industry has seen major technological advancements. It can also gain a lot from implementing cloud transformation because it might be crucial to solar operations and maintenance:

  • Cloud computing can be used to monitor the health of solar panels
  • To keep the system balanced, energy suppliers can project consumer demand trends and weather forecasts.
  • Cloud computing makes managing the solar system easier than ever by allowing it to monitor the system from anywhere in the world.

Awsome LLC Provides Cloud Services for Your Solar Operations

As the state of California continues its push towards solar, it’s great to see some real progress being made. Cloud-based machine learning algorithms can spot patterns and offer information on when to schedule maintenance to minimize downtimes and manage inventory, lowering the likelihood of unplanned outages.

You may simplify your solar-related operations by placing your confidence in Awsome LLC Cloud Solutions. We offer PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS services on cloud platforms like AWS and Azure. You can use these to plan, develop, and deploy the cloud.

With our professional help, you can speed up cloud adoption and give your company more powerful. Get guidance from Awesome LLC right now to take advantage of all that your cloud platform has to offer.

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