Project Management
Project Management
Odoo stands out as the ultimate project management software. It helps you organize tasks and stakeholders, provides a comprehensive project overview, and enhances team productivity to new heights.

Comprehensive Dashboard
The power of sticky notes. The Kanban view organizes tasks by stage. Drag and drop them like sticky notes and keep your pipeline neatly organized
Plan and schedule. The Gantt view is a timeline that gives you an overview of your tasks, their dependencies, and planned dates
Precision is key. The List view shows you all the data you need and allows you to perform batch actions. Simple and powerful.
Encourage collaboration for enhanced efficiency
Involve your customers. Decide what parts of your projects stakeholders can view and edit. Manage all your communication on one simple interface.

Timesheet and invoice
Bill your customers according to the time spent on tasks or set up milestones to spread the costs of larger projects.
Planning integration
Task Management
Track costs and revenues
Document management